My Service Dog's Place
Mission Statement:
To be a resource so that no service dog is housed at a local government’s animal control shelter AND so that no American Hero would ever need to choose between his/her well-being and their service dog.
My Service Dog’s Place is to be a vital program of My Warrior’s Place which will provide a safe boarding facility and dog park for service dogs of United States Armed Forces Veterans, as well as, retired Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters when circumstances arise which would necessitate the temporary separation of handler from their service dog.
My Warrior’s Place has created a new program called My Service Dog’s Place and has the facilities necessary to provide this program. Many people are unaware of a number of circumstances which regularly separates service dog handlers from their dogs. Veterans, comprising a large portion of the service dog handling community, face more of these circumstances than others. Strict rules at both the V.A. and independently run hospitals and medical facilities prevent service dogs from remaining with their handlers during surgeries, involuntary and voluntary mental health treatments, or in certain other areas within the hospital. Additionally, Veteran’s Court arranges diversion programs for veterans to resolve their legal cases, but the programs are restrictive to animals, and the absorbent cost of boarding their service dog is more than many can burden.
In the event no one is available to take the service dog from the veteran, standard procedure is to contact their jurisdiction’s Animal Control services, and have the dog picked up to be held until the owner is released. This has led to veterans losing their service dogs permanently, refusing treatment programs and services, and worry unnecessarily about how their dog is being cared for. To our surprise, in fact, it happens with alarming regularity.
This program is being led by Terry Buckler, a combat Vietnam Veteran, who has over 50 years working with dogs and makes us at My Warrior’s Place feel he is an excellent steward of our program’s vision.
We want to emphasize that we do not train dogs or run a dog kennel. We are solely pet sitting the service dog and giving it love and attention until the service dog can be reunited with his American Hero handler.
If you would like to get involved as a volunteer with this program fill out a Volunteer Application by clicking on the "Become A Volunteer" Button and then complete the Waiver Form by clicking on the "Waiver Form" Button below. Or make a donation to aid us in this endeavor.